Sunday, December 13, 2009

The past month

This in my opinion as been a pretty good month. :) I have learned a few new things to cook for lacie... and she loves them! ( and so do I) ;) She is starting to use small sentences all by herself without repeating everything I say. She still does repeat just about every word that comes out of my mouth, but yesterday she figured out how to turn on a toy all by herself. After she got it on she said "yay! I did it" !! I was so happy!!! A NEW sentence and I didn't even say it first!!! This to me is big news!


  1. YaY!!!! She did it!! I am so proud.

  2. It is very BIG news and very EXCITING news. She CAN do it, she DID it, and she is going to KEEP DOING it. The results of all your time and hard work are being seen and heard everyday with the progress that Lacie is making.


aaa...the good life

aaa...the good life