Sunday, December 13, 2009

Me and the hubs at the Christmas party. I guess it was fun... Brian always does the entertainment soo ... I am usually left alone or with Christy. It seems like when we do have time together there is always someone trying to take him away. Guess Im going to start using a tazer on these people. Ya, that should do it. But I guess I really cant be mad with them.. they don't see the day in and day out of me a alone with two kids. All they know is they never see him either and hey there he is ... so why not take advantage of the situation?!! I hope everyone hasn't got broad with praying about Brians job situation. I know its been over a year.. but we still need your prayers more than ever. Feeling like I need to send a prayer cloth to work with Brian and have him sneak it into his boss's room.. and let God do whatsoever He will. mmm.. Hope that its something that I would like to do to his boss like... No sleep,sick to his stomach.. and headache .maybe even a little back pain.. .. with a voice in his dreams saying" give Brian a HUGE raise or else!"

1 comment:

aaa...the good life

aaa...the good life