Monday, December 14, 2009

Last night on the way to church lacie was having a snack. We were almost to church when I heard her sweet little voice say Mama.. uh Mama?! I said what? and turned my head to look at her. She was trying to give me her snack bowl!! SO, Instead of screaming at me or throwing the bowl down she called for me!! :) This is the very first time she has done that!!!!!!!!! I said Thank You JESUS... He is answering my prayers!! Everyday and week she makes more and more progress! But This made me so happy!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Noah is doing really good. He is still on the boob... but he is happy and healthy! Wow he needs constant attention! I am so glad that lacie is around to keep him entertained.. I think I would go crazy trying be a "show" for him!! He still isn't sitting up by himself.. he just doesn't want to! I try to help him sit up and he will sit for a second.. and then.. oooo he has spotted something that he wants and he just flops to the floor. lol.. oh well.. I think he going to love to be loud. I think this because I notice when I play with him the louder and more ruff and ridiculous I am the happier he is.. ooo He is gonna be fun fun for everyone!!

Me and the hubs at the Christmas party. I guess it was fun... Brian always does the entertainment soo ... I am usually left alone or with Christy. It seems like when we do have time together there is always someone trying to take him away. Guess Im going to start using a tazer on these people. Ya, that should do it. But I guess I really cant be mad with them.. they don't see the day in and day out of me a alone with two kids. All they know is they never see him either and hey there he is ... so why not take advantage of the situation?!! I hope everyone hasn't got broad with praying about Brians job situation. I know its been over a year.. but we still need your prayers more than ever. Feeling like I need to send a prayer cloth to work with Brian and have him sneak it into his boss's room.. and let God do whatsoever He will. mmm.. Hope that its something that I would like to do to his boss like... No sleep,sick to his stomach.. and headache .maybe even a little back pain.. .. with a voice in his dreams saying" give Brian a HUGE raise or else!"

The past month

This in my opinion as been a pretty good month. :) I have learned a few new things to cook for lacie... and she loves them! ( and so do I) ;) She is starting to use small sentences all by herself without repeating everything I say. She still does repeat just about every word that comes out of my mouth, but yesterday she figured out how to turn on a toy all by herself. After she got it on she said "yay! I did it" !! I was so happy!!! A NEW sentence and I didn't even say it first!!! This to me is big news!

aaa...the good life

aaa...the good life