Monday, April 23, 2012

Cloth bums

Hey natural mommas!! I have just started cloth diapering, and I must say I totally love it.
I didn't think it would be my kinda thing. As it turns out its super easy, the prints are way
to adorable, and best of all my baby isn't sitting in chemicals all day!
Of course I'm loving not budgeting in the extra 30 a month for diapers and wipes.
... I really don't think there is anything about cloth I'm not liking. ... I know what you're
thinking... what about the poo situation.. . Also EASY PEeSEY!! Bum Genius makes
a diaper sprayer that takes care of that in a jiffy! So why not give cloth a try!!

Everything you need to get started is at
Happy shopping!! :)

aaa...the good life

aaa...the good life