Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Well, Really I have no excuses as to why I have neglected my blog for almost 5 months. . I'm sure a simple I'm sorry will make all of you feel better right? So here it is .. I'm sorry. I'm sitting here trying to think back on the past few months.. wondering where did all my time go? I would like to say I have some great story to fill you all in on something really interesting, and news worthy. Sadly I don't. Such a disappointment I know!! lol. .. aaa, but I guess that's just life right? I mean the days drag on and the weeks fly by.. before you know it you're putting up your Christmas tree with the kiddies singing I'll be home for Christmas loudly and off beat. Aaa, yes that is life.
I heard a song on the radio today and during the chorus it says "life isn't always beautiful, but it's a beautiful ride". I absolutely couldn't agree more! It seems for me at times I let my emotions rule over me.. taking all my thoughts on a ridiculous ride that has so many loops and turns I feel sick. .. every now and again I pull it together getting back to reality and on with my life. I'm looking forward to the day I can be as grounded as my Mom. She is a woman who has her act together! And from where I'm sitting she always has! She handles life with ease or so it seemed as I watched growing up.
So, I have been rambling on now for a while... time to turn out the lights and get some sleep. .. Tomorrow is a new day on this beautiful ride.

aaa...the good life

aaa...the good life