Sunday, January 31, 2010

A short year ago

It has been a year since Lacie has eaten gluten or dairy!! First I want to say a big Thank you to all the people who have encouraged me.. cheered me on.. and been a shoulder to cry on. Brian,Mom, Dad, Pat, and Christy! All of you have listened to me cry, complain, and shout for joy over any victory Lacie has made. I truly love you all.
I would like to share with you some of my journal entries over this last year as it has been an amazing ride.
January 10 2009~ " I tried much harder today with Lacie. I only let her watch her phonics videos. I have not seen any improvement in her. Feeling lost.
January 11 2009~ Lacie pointed with one finger!!! Im not sure at what?..But maybe THATS my sign... that she is gonna be ok.. Still un-sure
if this diet is really going to change her.. but at this point Im desperate as I look at her.. a shell.. where is my beautiful little girl at? I long to hear the words love you mommy.
February 9 2009~ Oh my Gosh.. I hate cooking without gluten.. this is to hard.. I made the worst crap today... this gritty gunk of a muffin.. poor lacie.. :( Mom did get her some gummy bears today.. she did like them.. Im happy for her to eat something yummy.. It seems like Lacie's is starting to babble some? Im so ready for some WORDS..she is 21 months now.. and still nothing. :(
April 24 2009~ What a ridonculious day!! Brian got into a car accident.. that scared me to death.. Im an emotion wreck.. aaa! So ready for Noah to pop out!! But for some good news!!!! Lacie is saying a few words!!! THANKS BE TO JESUS.. she can say. ak (drink).. ball.. cat. :) words can not express.. the joy in my heart.
* my journal entry is unclear about when I got your baby can read* but during that time is when her language exploded!... I was at church one night praying about Lacie. I know God spoke to me and told it was done. I didn't know what that meant in that moment but... that night I couldn't go to sleep.. while I was a wake I was watching an infomercial about your baby can read .. I knew it! That was it.. my answer!! we ordered it.. and with in a month.. Lacie was not only speaking the words.. but reading them too!!!
November 16 2009~ WOW.. looking back lacie has in just 9 months.. completely changed.. she can speak.. she looks people in the eyes.. knows the alphabet, all her numbers, can count to thirteen, reads a lot of words, and can tell you things that she needs.

This past year~ What can I say? ... Nothing. I am so over come with joy. She is no longer a empty shell.. She is Lacie.. who is sassy, bold, full of love,silly,sweet,and kind. I am looking forward with great expectations for this new year!! I just know that she will surpass any goal I could set for her!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

This video was taken a few weeks ago during our break time at the mall in between doctor's visits.. I wanted to take some pictures of the whole day to post but I forgot my camera! The camera on my phone was to dark to take a good picture during her ultrasounds.
Noah was sleeping while we were playing in the snow! I thought it was to cold and to deep to bring him out! So.. this is a pic of him this morning too.. after he woke up and I came in a feed him. :)
We took this picture to show just how deep the snow is.. the little red circle thing that you see is the top of her little strawberry shortcake car! ... yeah.. soo it's very deep!!

Up to lacies knees! She was having a hard time walking!... we had a lot of fun!! what a great morning!! :)

playing in the snow

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

HaPpY BiRtHdAy MoM ~!
I know how much you like this picture... So I thought just for you on your birthday I would re-post it! Just for you!! I hope you had a wonderful day.. I pray that this will be the most joyous year you have ever had!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

A quick note

Ok.. well I know that everyone is waiting to see the pic and short video
of uncle terry.. but I can not find the cord to connect my phone to the laptop... sooo everyone pray that I find it.. K.
In other news. .. lacie used the potty today to do number 2!!...
after she was done she said lets go tell daddy!!... she ran quickly down
the hallway.. and told brian what she did.. and then she said.. come look..
hahaha so funny!!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Alright, Well we had some fun last night in the 5 degree weather!! Yay for us.. we took the kiddies to "Happy Kids"... to let them play.. We have been in the house 9 DAYS.. because we have been sick.. and the weather.. we are finally better.. but the weather isn't. We decided that was not going to stop us from getting out of our cubby. :) Lacie had so much fun she could hardly contain herself..!! Every other second.. was a WeeEEE.. WAHOO! I know she was happy to be out.


Merry Christmas.. mm. K. well I guess that might be a little late.. and so are these pic's but nun the less.. here are some of Lacie... the one's of Noah aren't that great.. He didn't care about it anyway.. maybe next year will be more fun for him. Lacie had a blast!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Daddy n` Lacie

A girl needs her daddy, and Lacie loves her daddy! ~ She wanted to cook something very special for him ;) She pulled him by his leg until he was sitting in front of her kitchen.. now she said.. I cook it. Brian opened up her cabinet reached in and pulled out some orange juice... and pored himself a glass... lacie was ok with it at first and then the more he pored...the more she started to get concerned.. and finally said no!!!! back.. ok.! LOL!!! I thought it was very funny! He was being a rude guest and she wanted him to know.. hey buddy.. put my orange juice back... NOW.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

People have the right to be stupid. Some people abuse that privilege.

aaa...the good life

aaa...the good life