Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lacie at 2 weeks old

A trip down memory lane.

This was Lacie at about 2 weeks of age.. she probably weighs about 4 1/2 pounds in this picture. I was looking threw all the downloaded pictures to try and find something to post..mostly for mom, because I know she will be on here in the morning and want to know why I am being lazy. lol :) Well, I came across this picture, and started thinking about lacie today. How sweet and full of life she is.. how she remembers where I hid the bubbles ... how anything can quickly become a hat.. kisses are freely given along with big hugs and her tiny hands patting my back. It is things like that ... that make being a mom so rewarding.. she has no idea when she does these things how it makes my heart smile. Just look at the tiny little 4 pound girl... cant you hear her say.. oodles.. ( noodles.) .. :) I ook it. ( I cook it).


  1. How sweet...what a beautiful baby :) She is pretty stinkin adorable now too!

  2. So neat to see Lacie's baby pics. I love the post. Isn't it wonderful the unfolding of a little one's personality? She is a miracle!
    I too love to hear her say "Naina" and "wers Papa?!" (where's Papa?!) I think the best is
    "iss my Mama" (This is my Mama) She loves her
    Mama. :) So do I.


aaa...the good life

aaa...the good life