Sunday, September 20, 2009

~ Goal Weight ~

Me.. This morning after church.. wanted to post a pic... I have finally reached my goal weight ... geeze... 4 months and 1 week after little Noahs arrival.. But now that I reached it Im thinking another 5lbs wouldnt hurt! :) I got lots of complements this morning on how thin I looked.. aa that does a number for you self esteem..:) feeling good.. and thin lol

~ Family ~

Aaa, the good life!
This was taken last sunday before church... and ppl always wonder why we are late! LOL
mmm.. I love my family.. ( even lacie when she is being a ham) ;0
It really tickles me to see the look on Noahs face.. I think he is thinking .. seriously?? ... come on lacie act your age) LOL :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lacie at 2 weeks old

Lacie at 2 weeks old

A trip down memory lane.

This was Lacie at about 2 weeks of age.. she probably weighs about 4 1/2 pounds in this picture. I was looking threw all the downloaded pictures to try and find something to post..mostly for mom, because I know she will be on here in the morning and want to know why I am being lazy. lol :) Well, I came across this picture, and started thinking about lacie today. How sweet and full of life she is.. how she remembers where I hid the bubbles ... how anything can quickly become a hat.. kisses are freely given along with big hugs and her tiny hands patting my back. It is things like that ... that make being a mom so rewarding.. she has no idea when she does these things how it makes my heart smile. Just look at the tiny little 4 pound girl... cant you hear her say.. oodles.. ( noodles.) .. :) I ook it. ( I cook it).

Friday, September 4, 2009


Lacie peed in her potty this morning... she told me that she needed to potty.. and so we went to the potty like always (she tells me often that she has to potty and nothing every happens) but this morning she went!!! Her diaper was completely dry! I was so overcome with joy!! She is now wearing her big girl panties!! I'm one proud mommy!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Happy birthday dad....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Betty Crocker gluten free!

Great News! Yesterday while I was out getting grocery's I found Betty Crockers GLUTEN FREE cake mix, and brownie mix! So naturally I bought them. I whipped up the brownies this afternoon.. and they are fantastic!!! Lacie said and I quote "wow, so guoood... I more cookie". ;) aaa.. so wonderful to have something readily available at wal mart. THANK YOU BETTY CROCKER ... oh by the way I did call betty crocker and they are all dairy free as well.. enjoy everyone!!!

Lacie playing

Lacie playing outside last night.. or evening I guess. Anyway she had fun playing with her daddy.

aaa...the good life

aaa...the good life